Sunday 22 August 2010

A Snapshot Of Coastal San Diego's New Experience For Some San Diego Schools Students And Their Teachers

This July, Annie Santana, a Spanish teacher at Mission Bay High School, part of the schools in San Diego, have left town and went to the Robinson Crusoe Iceland, Chile. In the seventh year of his career, Santana joined the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Progrnfl jerseys am. For a year now Santana is going to teach English as a second language in a school on the Chilean island, but students are not his loss. A professor Chilean Santana in Mission Bay to replace. Meanwhile, teachers are immersed in their cultures, students from both countries are also exposed by their teachers to experience a new culture and another country. Teachers face many challenges as there are many differences between the cultures. Classrooms of Chile, for example, are smaller than those of schools in San Diego. The relationship between teachers and students of culture are much closer to Chile,
as well.

Santana initiated the contact with the Fulbright teacher exchange program. She believed that she was ready to advance to the next level of cross-cultural experiences by teaching abroad. Santana thoroughly researched the available options. Many did not meet her needs, since she would have to give up her teaching position with the San Diego schools. The Fulbright program best fit her needs, since the exchange is only for one year and an exchange teacher will take her place, allowing her to retain her position with the San Diego schools.

Santana chose Chile, because it is more economically stable than other Latin American countries. To prepare for her trip to Chile, she read the "House of Spirits", by Chilean author Isabel Allende. The book aptly portrays the culture in Chile, which is largely influenced by the many German immigrants over the years.

Before leaving in July, Santana remarked of her interest in experiencing the differences between the cultures of the U.S. and Chile. She also was excited to see how Chile differs from other Latin American cultures, of which she is familiar from her onfl shop wn Mexican heritage. She also was looking forward to seeing how school operations differ from the San Diego schools, as well as societal norms and the general day-to-day routines.

Other differences that Santana and her students back in the San Diego schools will experience are the Chilean customs and the difference between the Spanish known and taught by Santana and Chilean Spanish, which has a different accent, slang and word usage.

Santana is scheduled to return to the United States and the San Diego schools in July 2007. Until then, she plans to communicate with her family, friends, the Chilean teacher, and her San Diego schools' students by way of the Internet. She wants everyone, especially her San Diego schools' students, to enjoy her advencheap nfl jerseys ture with her. It is a great opportunity for them to experience life outside San Diego.

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